Infosheet Archives — Wed, 27 Jan 2021 19:33:24 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Customer Engagement And Business Profitability Wed, 27 Jan 2021 19:29:58 +0000 A report on digital trends recently identified customer experience as the single most exciting opportunity for 2020. This made perfect sense to us, given how our suite of integrated digital engagement services helps financial services firms engage intelligently with clients at any stage of their journey, thereby enhancing every aspect of their experience. NexJ’s products […]

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A report on digital trends recently identified customer experience as the single most exciting opportunity for 2020. This made perfect sense to us, given how our suite of integrated digital engagement services helps financial services firms engage intelligently with clients at any stage of their journey, thereby enhancing every aspect of their experience.

NexJ’s products increasingly address a genuine need thrown up by the pandemic. Advisors need to interact with clients more efficiently when faced with questions or doubts. There is also the potential for unnecessary risk-taking or poor financial decisions. This document discusses three ways in which NexJ solutions help advisors deepen customer engagement in these challenging times.

Download this info sheet to understand that customer engagement has a proven correlation with business profitability. 

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Using CRM as the Core of an Advisor Workstation Wed, 28 Oct 2020 20:16:54 +0000 Today, more and more wealth management firms acknowledge that advisors prefer workstations with CRM at the core.

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Most advisors would compare their experience of working with data to the act of juggling. They don’t have access to a consolidated view of their customers, are often saddled with tools and systems that don’t work together, and are often compelled to switch between applications while trying to service customers.

This is where an Integrated Advisor Workstation can make all the difference by offering a unified view of all customer information. NexJ’s Comprehensive Customer View provides advisors with a 360° view of their contacts, in an easy-to-view and navigable format.

This allows advisors to create a single point of truth by consolidating information across company-wide sources, which is then shared across all lines of business. Another advantage is the seamless integration between advisor tools that eliminates duplicate data entry while ensuring that context is passed between applications.

Today, more and more wealth management firms acknowledge that advisors prefer workstations with CRM at the core.

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NexJ Systems Single & Multi-tenancy Overview Mon, 24 Jun 2019 20:56:31 +0000 At NexJ, we understand that security, reliability, customization, and control are key components for many financial services companies seeking a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.

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At NexJ, we understand that security, reliability, customization, and control are key components for many financial services companies seeking a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.

What you will take away from this infosheet.

This document discusses the benefi ts of single tenancy compared to multi-tenancy deployments.

Due to regulatory requirements, business processes, user needs, and client expectations are ever changing in the financial services world, it’s increasingly important to find a CRM that can offer all the peace of mind a financial company needs.

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NexJ Best Practices for Data Migration Tue, 05 Mar 2019 16:45:36 +0000 This document explains NexJ’s approach to data migration, our practices, and capabilities. We, at NexJ Systems, recognize that data migration is one of the most integral aspects of successfully deploying any Customer Relationship Management solution. We adopt industry best practices while managing migrations from legacy systems, and use our extensive tooling and significant experience with client data encompassing a varying degree of size and scope.

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We, at NexJ Systems, recognize that data migration is one of the most integral aspects of successfully deploying any Customer Relationship Management solution. We adopt industry best practices while managing migrations from legacy systems, and use our extensive tooling and significant experience with client data encompassing a varying degree of size and scope.

This document explains NexJ’s approach to data migration, our practices, and capabilities.

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NexJ Systems Compliance Overview Fri, 12 Oct 2018 21:11:13 +0000 Under these regulations, firms must gather specific information, comply with disclosure requirements, conduct activities in accordance with defined rules, and be prepared to demonstrate their compliance. Non-compliance is penalized with large fines from regulatory bodies.

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The financial services regulatory environment is increasingly stringent and dynamic. Firms are under increased pressure to comply with fiduciary and regulatory requirements.

Under these regulations, firms must gather specific information, comply with disclosure requirements, conduct activities in accordance with defined rules, and be prepared to demonstrate their compliance. Non-compliance is penalized with large fines from regulatory bodies.

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NexJ Systems Security Overview Wed, 05 Sep 2018 17:33:22 +0000 NexJ offers a dynamic, flexible, extensible, and centralized security model that allows information to be shared across the enterprise according to specified visibility rules.

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NexJ offers a dynamic, flexible, extensible, and centralized security model that allows information to be shared across the enterprise according to specified visibility rules.

Security rules are enforced by the NexJ Server and are centrally defined in the Business Domain Model, so they will be consistently applied regardless of the UI or access methods being used to retrieve or manipulate data elements.

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NexJ Systems Integration Overview Tue, 14 Aug 2018 13:35:54 +0000 At NexJ Systems, we understand that user adoption is key to the success of any Customer Relationship Management software implementation, and that integration improves user adoption rates. This document explains NexJ’s flexible integration options and capabilities.

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This document explains NexJ’s flexible integration options and capabilities.

At NexJ Systems, we understand that user adoption is key to the success of any Customer Relationship Management software implementation, and that integration improves user adoption rates.

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